What is the Purpose of a Landing Page?

The term "landing", when it comes to digital marketing, is a welcome one. A marketer surely strives to bring potential customers to a website through emails, advertisements, and other mediums for success. A landing page is created for the very specific purpose of conversion.

Imagine shopping for groceries at your local supermarket. All across the store are accommodations that make your shopping experience possible, from the information you need to the ability to transport them around to the employees that keep everything stocked. The most important component, however, that makes everything function as it should is the checkout system.

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People could gather the groceries they want and have all of the money they need to make their purchases but without a checkout system, it just won't happen. There will be no ability to purchase the groceries they had shopped for, even if they had all the money that was required. The same holds true for a supermarket that features a checkout system yet has no groceries or other accommodations. These two depend on each other.

This is where we consider the landing page in the analogy. If a potential customer comes to the checkout page of your website but has no other information about your product or service, chances are they simply won't buy! Likewise, even the most well-developed product pages won't lead to a sale without a checkout page. A landing page features the whole shebang in one place and is designed solely with the goal of converting the visitor.

A landing page gets the job is done whether the visitor is intended to buy a product or service, sign up for a newsletter subscription, or send in their email to secure a ticket for a giveaway. A well rounded and optimized landing page comes equipped with a submission form, high-resolution attention-grabbing images, and well crafted content that offers your product or tangible offer.

To partner with a digital marketing agency that can create an effective a landing page that converts, give OCGnow a call today at (904) 600-3600 or visit www.ocgnow.com.


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