Should You Hire A Freelancer Or A Marketing Agency?

There are multiple options available these days when it comes to marketing of your business. However, I am only going to discuss if you should hire a freelancer or a digital marketing agency? Freelancer who has good online presence with profiles and portfolios across different platforms can be hired without any doubt or another option which is hiring team or an agency that perform more comprehensive work. But what choice you must make when you are at the initial stage of your business? Freelancer When its about targeting a specific area or a service of your business with some special marketing activity, it is always an ideal choice to hire a freelancer. However, it is not recommended to hire a freelancer for a long-term and if a company feel like they can benefit from the talent of freelancer for longer they will hire that freelancer as a permanent staff member in their company. Marketing Agency Marketing agency on the other hand is ideal choice for both, either to start a mark...